“If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.”
– Author Unknown
At Honeybee Robotics we support a wide variety of causes in the communities where we live and work. We encourage individual employees to contribute their time and talent to community projects. Here are a few of the organizations we have volunteered with or provided donations to that are close to our hearts.
Project Scientist
Project Scientist began in 2011 with a dream to increase diversity in STEM by inspiring girls. It was created to change the world’s view of “who” a scientist is and “what” a scientist does. They aim to transform the face of STEM by nurturing today’s future scientists who will lead the world in solving tomorrow’s greatest challenges! Every second of a girl’s time with Project Scientist is intentional and based off of the latest research of what drives and sustains girls’ interest in STEM. They are determined to reach STEM girls and hold their hand through their PhD or as far as their STEM dreams take them because we believe that the future of STEM is female. Honeybee Robotics has participated in Project Scientist’s Summer STEM Academy and hopes to inspire future STEM superstar engineers.
Broadening Opportunity through Leadership and Diversity Center
The Broadening Opportunity through Leadership and Diversity (BOLD) Center is part of CU College of Engineering & Applied Science’s commitment to creating an environment where students like you achieve their dreams. Our mission is to graduate diverse engineers who are prepared to change the world.
The BOLD Center is always looking for opportunities to work with industry in a creative and mutually-beneficial way. This affords students an inside look into different industries, workplaces, and company cultures as they learn to network and engage with industry through their years with The BOLD Center. They offer industry the chance to get to know students in networking sessions, and through smaller sponsored events, often leading to relationships that result in internships or hires down the road!
Flagstaff Academy
Flagstaff Academy is proud to enjoy robust partnerships with a number of corporate and community organizations. They have worked with local technology companies to develop programs like the Xilinx Global Educational Ecosystem’s program. The program, supporting elementary through secondary education, brought together leaders in business, education and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that foster leadership in a global society while developing youth for the workforce of the future.
Flagstaff Academy’s Guiding Principles:
– Provide a preschool through eighth with a hands-on science and technology focus, as well as attention to the arts.
– Foster an environment that challenges students to achieve their academic potential.
– Promote, value, and recognize academic achievement and creativity.
– Respect the individual, classroom, school, community, and world.
National Institute of Aerospace (Moon to Mars Program)
Funded through the National Institute of Aerospace. The Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkages consists of several university engineering design challenges that help inform NASA’s approaches for future human space exploration and prompt collegiate students to investigate, plan, and analyze space exploration design.
NASA will provide engineering students the opportunity to design and build prototype hardware that can extract water and assess subsurface density profiles from simulated lunar and Martian subsurface ice.
– Multiple teams chosen through a process that assesses the teams’ concepts and progress throughout the year.
– Up to 10 teams travel to the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA during the summer of 2020 to participate in a multi-day competition
– Prototypes compete to extract the most water from an analog environment simulating a slice of a combined lunar and Martian surface.
– Teams present concepts in a technical poster session to a judging panel of scientists and engineers from NASA and industry.
More Organizations We Work With
– Sister Carmen Community Center
– Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
– Food Bank for NYC
– Outreach United Resource Center, Inc. (OUR Center)
– Emergency Family Assistance Association
If you are interested in working or partnering with us, please reach out to us with more information!